
bebelandancoretancikLalaa :)
kau kata :
aku hitam kau putih
aku bumi kau langit
aku berjalan kau terbang
aku gagak kau merpati
aku perempuan kau lelaki
aku pula kata :
kau manusia , aku pon .
aku juga ada hati dan perasaan ingin menyintai dan dicintai
oke ?

Friday, January 27, 2012

I wonder .

Don't you remember
You told me you loved me
Why did it have to end

I told you I’ll never leave you
I kept my promise but you didn’t

You brought me hope , when I had none
I thought you were my destiny
I thought you were the one
And I don’t understand why we couldn’t be

Everyday I have to pretend
I have to fake a smile
I have to fake a laugh
I have to fake everything is okay , when its not

I sit and wonder everyday what I did wrong
I sit and wonder why I miss you
I sit and wonder why I love you before

I sit and wonder what it would be like if we were still together


1 kata kekawan :):

Unknown said...

Salam kenal kawan. Im your follower:) Mind to follow me back -> please :)

kawan lalaa :)